Kirurgiline ühekordne kaitsekangas
Characteristics of Kirurgiline ühekordne kaitsekangas
1. elastne kork: sobiv nägu tihe, ohutu ja hingav
2. Elastsed mansetid: Kirurgiline ühekordselt kasutatav kaitseriie elastne manseti sulgemine on mugav ja tihe
3. kahekordne kaitse: Veekindel kummipael on tugevama tihendiga
4. ühendatud disain: suurendage kahjulike ainete kaitset
5. Mugav vöökoht: elastne talje disain on üks ja mugav. Kirurgiline ühekordselt kasutatav kaitseriie sobib kehatüüpide rohkusele
6. Suurepärane käsitöö: ohutu materjal, tihe õmblus, kindel ja vastupidav
INTRODUCTION of Kirurgiline ühekordne kaitsekangas
Kirurgiline ühekordne kaitsekangas is also known as purification clothing, dust-free clothing, etc. The insolation gown itself cannot be a source of dust emission, which also has the effect of preventing the body from emitting dust. The design should have basic properties such as safety protection, comfort, ease of operation, and aesthetics. Otherwise, the style of work clothes, fabrics and sterile underwear will directly affect the number of dust and colonies in the clean room.
Kirurgilise ühekordselt kasutatava kaitseriide rakendusala
Kirurgiline ühekordne kaitsekangas is widely used in clean workshops in electronics, pharmaceuticals, food, bioengineering, optics, aerospace, aviation, color tube, semiconductor, precision machinery, plastics, painting, hospitals, environmental protection and other industries. There are a variety of colors and specifications suitable for different Anti-static or clean environment.
Packaging of Kirurgiline ühekordne kaitsekangas